Feminist Initiatives and Gender Justice

Parental Care:
  • Free Childcare to ensure that all families have access to childcare alternatives. This should be government funded in ways that do not replicate the two-tiered public education system. Adequate funding will ensure that child caretakers have equal access to gain and maintain employment and pay
  • Make maternity leave at least one year with full pay. Twelve unpaid weeks of leave is simply not enough–for child-parental bonding or financial security
  • Implement paternal/parental leave that matches maternity leave and does not require a specific gender assignation
  • Divorce pregnancy/parental leave from insurance. Pregnancy and parental leave pay are currently granted through the medical insurance category of “short-term disability.” This does a disservice to both people with disabilities and those seeking parental leave by privatizing social safety nets.
Gendered Violence:
  • Rethink domestic violence prevention without police. The second largest police misconduct complaints are for sexual violence, particualrly against multiply marginalized folks. And at least 40 percent of police admit to assaulting their romantic partner. The perpetrators of violence will never solve it.
  • Decarcerate survivors of gendered violence. Too many Black girls and women and those of color are incarcerated for defending themselves against abusers. Incarceration often replicates experiences of abuse.  
  • Funding for healthcare, education, immigration reform, and housing provide survivors of violence and their children with opportunities to start anew
  • Implement gender studies in K-12. Young boys, girls, trans, and non-binary children should start unlearning violent gender roles and how patriarchy harms all children and adults. 
Past Events: